Florida Employee Retention Credit

Are you a small business owner in Florida looking for financial support during these challenging times? Have you heard about the Florida Employee Retention Credit (ERC) but want to know more about how it can benefit your business? In this article, we will discuss the details of the Florida ERC and how it can help you retain employees and navigate the impacts of COVID-19.

florida employee retention credit

The Florida ERC is a tax credit subsidy specifically created for small businesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible employers have the opportunity to claim up to $26,000 per employee for employee retention purposes. This credit is equal to 50% of the eligible salary offered to workers between March 12, 2020, and January 1, 2021. It is accessible to businesses in Florida that have experienced a substantial drop in gross receipts or certain closures due to the pandemic.

To claim the ERC, Florida employers have two options. They can lower their payroll tax payments for W-2 employees, effectively reducing the amount they owe to the IRS. Alternatively, if their tax payments are insufficient to cover the credit amount, they can seek an advance payment from the IRS. The ERC can be claimed for qualifying salaries during the specified time period, including health insurance costs. This credit is designed to assist employers in keeping employees on the payroll and reducing unemployment claims.

In the rest of this article, we will dive deeper into the eligibility criteria for the ERC, how it can be applied for and utilized, and the immediate tax benefits it provides to eligible businesses. So, if your business has been impacted by the pandemic and you want to learn more about the ERC and how it can benefit you, keep reading.

Florida Employee Retention Credit

The Florida Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a tax credit subsidy designed to provide essential financial support for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under this program, eligible employers in Florida can claim up to $26,000 per employee for the purpose of employee retention. The ERC is equal to 50% of eligible salary offered to workers between March 12, 2020, and January 1, 2021. This tax credit serves as a lifeline to businesses struggling to maintain their workforce and navigate the challenges of the ongoing pandemic.

How to Claim the ERC

To claim the ERC, Florida employers have two options. They can either lower their payroll tax payments for W-2 employees or seek an advance payment from the IRS if their tax payments are insufficient. By lowering payroll tax payments, employers can immediately benefit from the tax credit. Alternatively, businesses can opt for an advance payment from the IRS, which provides immediate financial support during these challenging times.

When calculating the ERC, qualifying salaries paid during the specified time period can be considered. Additionally, health insurance costs can be included in the calculation, further increasing the potential tax credit. By taking advantage of this subsidy, businesses can not only minimize their financial burden but also provide essential healthcare benefits to their employees.

The primary goal of the ERC is to assist employers in keeping employees on the payroll and reducing unemployment claims. By providing financial support, the credit encourages employers to retain their workforce, which ultimately benefits both the businesses and the employees during these uncertain times.

Who is Eligible for the ERC

Eligibility for the ERC is based on certain criteria related to the impact of COVID-19 on businesses. Employers must demonstrate a large drop in gross receipts or have been subject to certain closures due to the pandemic. Small businesses in Florida that were financially affected by the pandemic are eligible to claim the ERC. This tax credit is immediately accessible to eligible businesses, providing much-needed financial relief in times of crisis.


One important aspect of the ERC is that employers can still claim the tax credit even if they have taken out a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan. This means that businesses can benefit from both programs simultaneously, maximizing their financial support. While the PPP loan covers expenses such as payroll and utilities, the ERC focuses specifically on employee retention. Employers who qualify for both programs can utilize them to their advantage, ensuring continued payment for employees during the outbreak.

Advantages of the ERC

The ERC offers several advantages for eligible employers. By lowering IRS payroll taxes, businesses can enjoy immediate tax benefits, ultimately reducing their financial burden. Moreover, the ERC allows for the inclusion of healthcare costs in calculating the tax credit. This means that employers can utilize the credit to cover healthcare benefits for their employees, ensuring their well-being and retention.

One of the key advantages of the ERC is its flexibility. The tax credit can be utilized for various purposes related to employee retention and financial support. This provides businesses with the opportunity to adapt to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and navigate the uncertain economic landscape.

Why Employers Should Consider the ERC

Given the impact of the pandemic on businesses, employers should seriously consider taking advantage of the ERC. By meeting the eligibility criteria and applying for the tax credit, businesses can receive immediate financial support for employee retention. Retaining employees during these challenging times is crucial for continuity and long-term success. The ERC serves as a lifeline, providing businesses with the necessary resources to weather the storm and maintain their workforce.

Healthcare Benefits and the ERC

The inclusion of healthcare costs in calculating the ERC is an important aspect of this tax credit. Employers can utilize the ERC to provide essential healthcare benefits to their employees, ensuring their well-being during these difficult times. The ability to offer healthcare benefits is not only beneficial to the employees but also contributes to employee retention. By prioritizing the health and safety of their workforce, employers can create a supportive and loyal work environment.

Other Purposes of the ERC

While the primary purpose of the ERC is employee retention, the tax credit can also be utilized for other purposes related to financial support. Eligible businesses can leverage the ERC to cover various expenses such as rent, utilities, and other operational costs. By utilizing the tax credit strategically, businesses can navigate the challenges posed by COVID-19 and increase their chances of survival.


The Florida Employee Retention Credit provides vital financial support for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. By offering immediate tax benefits and assisting in retaining employees, the ERC serves as a lifeline for struggling businesses. Eligible employers can claim up to $26,000 per employee, providing much-needed relief during these challenging times. By understanding and leveraging this tax credit, businesses in Florida can receive the financial support they need to overcome the obstacles posed by COVID-19 and ensure the continuity of their operations.

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